What to bring on the first day your child starts at Creative Child Nursery
  • Two sets of spare change of clothing with underwear in a ziplock bag with the child’s name clearly labelled.
  • Please provide one hat to be left at school
  • Please apply sunscreen before coming to school
  • An over-sized T-shirt for art and craft projects

Please provide your child with a healthy and well balanced snack in a cooler safe lunch bag. All containers should be clearly labelled.

A packed lunch, i.e. sandwiches containing cheese, meat, etc. and fresh fruit or other healthy snacks.

These should be enough to cover two lunch breaks if your child is scheduled to stay for lunch. Many children suffer from severe allergic reactions to nuts and nut products, e.g. in biscuits so please do not send any nut or products containing nuts to nursery.

For children not yet potty trained:
  • One large packet of disposable diapers.
  • One box of hygienic Wet wipes
  • One individual baby cream, if required
  • A small box of large ziplock bags to return soiled clothing
Kindly note that the items listed below are not allowed at the nursery for health and safety reasons.
  • No sweets, chocolate or nuts (including Nutella and peanut butter)
  • No fizzy drinks
  • No glass bottles
Please advise us of any medical, dietary or cultural requirements you wish us to undertake.
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